Take notes.
Leave the kids and extended family at home if possible.
Stay focused on the inspection (reschedule that conference call or Zoom meeting).
Assume you are being watched and listened to by the seller (Alexa and the like).
This is a good time to bring in other professionals, if applicable: building contractors for planned renovations, septic contractors, pool contractors, etc.
Ask questions.
Acquaint yourself with your new location. People moving to "the country" should get a basic understanding of septic and well water systems. Find out what utilities service the area you will be located in (cable tv, electric, oil companies, trash collection, etc.).
Walk the neighborhood.
Do the commute at rush hour if possible (although rush hour here in CT. is now 24/7).
Find a reason to visit the house during a rain before you buy it if possible. That's a good time to look around the basement.